Ogle Magazine

Editorial design

A publication that takes a deeper look at beauty by examining the ideas that shape how we understand it, and by exploring its effect on the world.

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Ogle Magazine

Editorial Design

A magazine cover featuring two distorted women's faces on a pale grey background.
A primarily white magazine spread,  with a passage about the abstract nature of beauty on the left, and a pixelated rose on the right.
A magazine spread that says Beauty and Death, with three images documenting a decaying flower.
A dead flower on a red background is sprawled across two pages.
On the left page there is distorted Chinese typography that says mono no aware, and on the right there is a passage about this concept.
Several heads of Greek historical figures on a black background, with paragraphs underneath each one, recounting the figure's perspective on love.
A magazine spread featuring a white woman's face, with paper cutouts of ethnic features littered on and around it.
A spread featuring an image of an Asian woman with the eyes and mouth cut out.
On the left page is a flash mirror selfie with the word Vanity, and on the page is a close-up of a different blurry mirror selfie.
A magazine spread featuring a baby with a graffiti halo and angel wings, with the article title The Worship of Eternal Youth spray painted across the page, and several examples of historical figures who sought eternal youth.
The second spread of the Eternal Youth article. The top half is taken up by a pull quote with graffiti elements on top of it, and the bottom half is taken up by body copy.
A picture of a man's torso with pansies scattered across it, with the word Pansy overlaid over it.
The left page states that the question What is Beauty to you? was posed to readers through an Instagram poll. The right side features selected answers to the question posed.
The magazine's back cover, depicting the same distorted woman's face from the front, however, the image now appears five times, being stretched thinner and thinner going from right to left.